Applications  > Profile Management  > Employer  > Training Programme Listing  > SBL-KHAS Listing

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Training Provider Name Training Programme Scheme Training Programme Name Telephone No. Email
KPX SDN. BHD. SBL-Khas Train The Trainer for Professional Road Safety Trainers PRST 60351911837
KPX SDN. BHD. SBL-Khas Forklift Safety Operation Training 60351911837
KPX SDN. BHD. SBL-Khas The HSE Framework for Road Transport Safety 60351911837
KPX SDN. BHD. SBL-Khas The Road Transport Safety: Awareness and Responsibilities Training 60351911837
KPX SDN. BHD. SBL-Khas Road Safety Talk: Staying Alert, Being Focused, And Reaching Safely 60351911837
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