Applications  > Profile Management  > Employer  > Training Programme Listing  > SBL-KHAS Listing

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Training Provider Name Training Programme Scheme Email Telephone No. Training Programme Name
LEARNING CURVE PLT SBL-Khas +60380644227 ISO 9001:2015 & TL 9000:2016 Quality Management Systems  Awareness Training
LEARNING CURVE PLT SBL-Khas +60380644227 ISO 9001:2015 & TL 9000:2016 Internal Auditor
LEARNING CURVE PLT SBL-Khas +60380644227 MS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Measurement of Uncertainty & Decision Rule Training (2D)
LEARNING CURVE PLT SBL-Khas +60380644227 ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 Awareness Training
LEARNING CURVE PLT SBL-Khas +60380644227 ISO 9001_Internal Auditor_1D
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